
The truth about being single

Ein einsamer Hase ohne Relationship / Single
Geschrieben von Maria Wurm

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Kissing, cuddling, hand-holding couples – never apart, always together. A relationship can be pure horror mixed with a hint of envy for every long-term single out there.
Why being single is pretty awesome and pretty shitty at the same time. The naked truth!

Single-life stereotypes:

Single life stereotype: guy is holding a gamecube controller infront of his face

 (via flickr ©Baki Pictures)

  • Party every weekend
  • Dating
  • A huge stock of condoms
  • Lonely evenings watching TV – with chocolate of course
  • Your grandma saying things like: “I wonder if you’ll find someone one day.”
  • A lot of free space in bed

Couple-life stereotypes:

Couple is facing each other at a beach


  • Holding hands
  • Permanently texting with each other
  • Always together, never apart – literally never!
  • Couple holidays
  • Moving in together
  • Dead boring sexy time
  • Family dinners
  • Losing friends
  • Togetherness
  • Fighting for the blanket
  • Daily grind
  • Fights, fights and more fights

“Dude, I’m so glad to be single!“

I can do whatever I want, no one gets on my nerves, no fights – pure freedom!” Who doesn’t know singles saying stuff like that. Some of you who currently are in a happy relationship might be rolling your eyes right now. But it’s true! It’s so great to just do your thing without having to be considerate of someone else all the time. To just be on a freaking ego trip from time to time. I’d recommend it to everyone – but not just for two weeks. Because that’s the only way to really get to know yourself; to find out who you really are. And that might take a while!

On the other hand, I do miss being close to someone. I miss having someone by my side who’s always there for me. Creating memories together, experiencing the world or just chill on the couch together. I also miss spending the day in bed together, talking about things, I usually don’t talk about to anyone else but my partner.

Not being alone but sharing my life with someone

But I still prefer being single over jumping from one relationship into another. Because you do need some time to find yourself again after every screwed-up relationship. And after a few of those screw-ups you get picky. That’s when it becomes tricky. By now you know exactly what you want and what you can’t stand. You’ve come to peace with your single-life, you enjoy your freedom. At that point, you’ll think twice before letting someone else enter your life again. Is the person worth the change?

Do I like them enough? Are they good for me right now?

Those are the questions you’re supposed to ask yourself. If you want a working relationship you definitely need to be selfish sometimes. In other words: you have to love and accept yourself first. You won’t be ready to let someone in your life unless that special someone is worth making space for. You might not be ready to start a relationship before that.

Those people who jump from one relationship to another | Those who cannot stand the thought of being alone for once | Those who are so scared of loneliness | Those who might not even be able to stand themselves. Those people will never find happiness in a relationship. Because your happiness will never lie in the hands of someone else.

And the single life’s just full of benefits!

No matter how often you’re snoozing your alarm in the morning: it doesn’t bother anyone. By the time you finally managed to get out of bed, no one will block the bathroom. Everything in there will be exactly the same as it was the day before. You can make out with whom you want, whenever you want it (because let’s be honest: there’s not much making out after a year into the relationship). Your sex life will only be boring when you’re not having sex at the moment. The control over the TV remote will always be yours. No matter how many nights in a row you go out, it’s only your business. You can travel whenever and wherever you want to go. Etc., etc.

But: “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.”


Über den Autor/die Autorin

Maria Wurm

Ich lebe in Bayern, bin 25 Jahre alt und habe meinen Bachelor of Arts für Angewandte Medien mit Schwerpunkt Sport-, Medien- und Eventmanagement am Campus M21 in Nürnberg gemacht.

Seit einem Jahr bin ich voll im Berufsleben und leite die Marketing-Abteilung eines Großhandelsbetriebs.

Meine wahre Leidenschaft ist allerdings das Reisen. Es hat mich schon so vieles gelehrt und um so viele Erfahrungen reicher gemacht, mehr als jedes Studium könnte.

Ich bin gespannt was das Leben noch für mich bereit hält und gebe euch hier einen kleinen Einblick in meine Welt.