Chris Field ist tagsüber Netzwerktechniker und nachts Fotograph, so sagt er es zumindest selbst. Jetzt hat er ein unglaublich geniales Video veröffentlicht, in dem er fleischfressende Pflanzen (Insektivoren) 107 Tage lang gefilmt hat.
Over a year of effort, with 107 days of straight shooting with 2 cameras. I started out building timelapse equipment so I could go do timelapse. Then people started giving me money to build them systems. Eventually it turned into a business, The Chronos Project LLC. Finally I have had time to start working on my own timelapse work. I have decided to pull myself out of the world and into the studio for some areas of timelapse photography that are greatly under explored.
Freut euch auf richtig tolle makroskopische, farbenfrohe Bilder:
via: kfmw